Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

“Everything in the Universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” —Rumi

Who am I?

Why am I here?

Should I quit my job?

Why am I feeling stuck?

How can I be a better parent?

What does my recurring dream mean?

What is the root cause of this health issue?

What do I need to learn from this relationship?

How can I create more peace, balance, or abundance?

The answers are within you. Experience a powerful, transformative journey of self-exploration with QHHT®

Developed by the late Dolores Cannon, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) offers you the opportunity of past-life regression and connection with your Higher Self to gain clarity, knowledge, growth, and healing.

Your Higher Self (aka Higher Consciousness, Superconscious, etc) is the non-physical, ego-free part of you that is always connected to Source and has the ability to heal. Fears, phobias, and physical and emotional issues can occur in our current life as life lessons to learn from but it’s also possible for them to stem from the trauma of past lives. With this knowledge, we can ask the Higher Self for healing, and if it’s for your highest good the healing occurs immediately or by the end of the session. Your Higher Self will guide your experience so you receive what you most need.

About the session

All QHHT® sessions are held in person and run approximately 4-6 hours. Before your scheduled session, you’ll write out a list of questions you want to ask your Higher Self. You can ask absolutely anything!

The session starts with a chat about your reasons for seeking out QHHT® and sharing your life journey, followed by a review of your list of questions. Next, you will get comfortable and be guided into a deep state of relaxation where we will explore your past and then access your Higher Self to delve into your list of questions. We then wrap up by talking about your experience. A recording of the hypnosis is provided.

Initial sessions are $300 (4-6 hours). A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required at booking to hold the day for you.

Follow-up session

This 3-hour session is for those who’ve had a previous QHHT® session with Jeannette and are ready to gain more insight, desire further self-exploration, or strengthen their connection with their Higher Self.

Follow-up sessions are for existing QHHT® clients only and are $180 (3 hours). A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required at booking.

Sample Questions for Inspiration


  • Why am I experiencing this particular health issue? What is the root cause?
  • How can I heal this specific issue?
  • What is the best diet for me?
  • I have had (a medical issue) since birth. Why? Can it be healed?
  • What is keeping me from losing weight?
  • What is the best way for me to get healthy and in shape?
  • Is there trauma stuck in my body and how can I best release it?
  • What is the root cause of the depression/anxiety/etc I experience?
  • How can I overcome a specific addiction?


  • How can I let go of hurt/anger/resentment/grief?
  • How can I overcome any specific fears and phobias?
  • How can I clear and balance, or open my chakras fully?
  • How can I best enjoy my sexuality at this time?
  • How can I bring the feminine and masculine into balance within myself?
  • What have I held in my shadow that needs more of my honest reflection?
  • What is the most important thing for me to know at this time?
  • How can I create more peace, balance, or abundance in my life?
  • What can I do to be more creative?
  • Why does _________ affect me so profoundly?
  • Why do I have difficulty making connections?
  • What is my life’s purpose?
  • What life lessons did I come here to learn?
  • What childhood programming must I now completely renounce?
  • Where is the best place for me to live?
  • What blockages or patterns do I have that hold me back and how do I overcome them?
  • What fears are holding me back and how do I move past those fears?
  • What message am I uniquely qualified to share with the world in a personal way? Professional way?
  • Why did I incarnate?
  • Who is my spirit guide or angel?


  • What is the role of a specific friend or family member in my life?
  • Why am I experiencing issues with a particular friend/ family member and how can I
    resolve them?
  • What do I have to learn from this relationship?
  • How can I be a better parent for my children?
  • What spiritual ties do I have with my partner?
  • What is my role in healing my ancestral lineage?
  • What does my animal companion want me to know about them?
  • How can I best support my loved one in their life’s journey now?
  • How do I honor my boundaries with others?
  • In what ways can I improve communication and understanding with my parents?
  • Is there anyone I have yet to forgive? What can this forgiveness look and feel like?
  • Which of my ancestors are watching over me? What message do they wish to give?
  • Have I had a past or parallel life with a specific person in my current life?
  • Are there any agreements/contracts that do not serve my highest good that can be
  • discarded?
  • How can I meet people to connect with for my soul’s highest good?
  • What is the reason behind me remaining single?

Career and Finance

  • What type of job or career should I pursue in this life?
  • At what type of work would I excel?
  • Why am I struggling financially?
  • How can I receive a promotion or raise?
  • How can I understand my boss?
  • How can I create financial wealth and abundance in my life?
  • What topics am I meant to share with the world? What else do I need to learn to get there?
  • What life lesson am I learning in my career?


  • What is my planet or place of origin as a soul? Am I a Starseed?
  • What is the best way for me to meditate?
  • How can I find or build a stronger connection with my Higher Self/Guidance/Source/etc?
  • What is the best way for me to receive messages from my guides?
  • What is the meaning of my recurring dream?
  • Why do I feel as though I’m just not of this place?
  • How can I access my intuition/psychic abilities?
  • How can I further grow spiritually?
  • Questions about alien, UFO, paranormal, or strange experiences.
  • How much of the soul resides in the physical body?
  • How do I master conscious manifestation?
  • What’s the meaning of the birthmark I have?
  • What was that strange thing I saw one night when I awoke to look out the window?
  • How can I interpret the visions I receive in meditation?
  • What is the significance of the numbers I see repeatedly?
  • What spiritual agreements and vows did I make that warrant a pattern I see?
  • What question should I be asking that I don’t even know to ask?

why not book a

QHHT Session with Jeannette

Contact Me if you cannot find a suitable time slot.

No refunds on services rendered.
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